Investing in today’s market can be a crapshoot.
From controversial tweets, interest rate hikes and trade war headlines, it seems that all the gains you make one day get wiped out the next.
And with wild swings in the market day after day, you may be wondering if there is any good place to invest.
Charles Mizrahi – the retired Wall Street icon who Barron’s once named the No. 1 money manager in America – says there is one such place.
A little-known, California-based company that as of 2017 has more patents than Google … Apple … Microsoft … and Amazon.
And its newest breakthrough is at the forefront of unlocking an entirely new industry.
Charles calls it “the stock of a lifetime” and made it his No. 1 pick for 2019.
To get all the details on his top stock, watch his latest video presentation by clicking here.